My Goofy Pets Are The Best



I have a lot of pets. I use to have a lot more but I still have many. My favorite are my 2 dogs at my house. There is Sport and Daisy. They live at my house. Sport is a black lab mix and he is very hyper. He is 6 years old, and he doesn't look a day over. He is a very pretty dog but very active.

That is a semi-good picture of him. He just woke up in this picture so he isn't prettied up yet. :) He is a very well behaved dog, when he wants to be.

Daisy is also very well behaved. She is 10 times better than him. She is 5 years old but acts like she is 12. She is the sweetest dog ever. She is also a very gorgeous dog.

She has been awake for a while in this picture. She is my favorite dog of all times. I also have more pictures of her if you click here!


My other animals are also very precious to me. They all live at my mom's house. There are 3 cats and 1 dog.

I don't have pictures of them, yet. But I will very shortly from now.

Chloe- my mom's pig

George- he's the new male kitten, he gets to be top cat now

Emily- she's the new female kitten, she's a feisty little one

Baby Girl- my cat, only allows me to pet her

Then I recently lost one of my favorite animals, and that is my kitty cat Bill, he was 12 years old, and we had to put him down. He had a tumor in his jaw and a screwy tooth, also he had fluids in his lungs.

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